Friday, 6 September 2013

And the lucky schools are...

Kia ora tātou,

Thank you so much to all of you that participated in this year's Enviroschools Great Postcard Project. We've had an amazing response, with over 30 schools and 2000 students participating across the region! It's been fantastic!

We've especially enjoyed receiving photos and comments about your school's involvement in the project and being able to post them all on this blog. Thank you very much for making that extra effort to join the online aspect of this year's project!

As we said, there are some prizes for schools that have participated in the blog, so......well done to......

Lakeview School who have won a sustainability themed picture book;
Tawa Montessori who have won the Cloak of Protection card game;
Carterton School who have won a sustainability themed picutre book.

Karyn will put these lovely prizes in the post for you next week!

Once again, thank you for participating and we look forward to seeing you again for next year's Enviroschools Great Postcard Project.

Mā te wā.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Pretty Pictures from Paraparaumu Playcentre

"Our Playcentre really enjoyed making our postcards out of recycled paper.  We used old financial records that needed to be destroyed.  This made for some really interesting patterns and colours.  We all worked together to rip and soak the records in our water trough but our favorite part was when we put them in the blender to pulp."

"Here are some of our favorite postcards. The first one came from a friend at Paraparaumu School next door where some of our big brothers and sisters go to school."

Well done Paraparaumu Playcentre, we love how you made your postcards out of recycled paper, what a fantastic idea! Which lucky schools received them?!

And, thank you for sharing your favourite postcards with us - we wonder who made them?

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Boulcott School's beautiful display of postcards

Boulcott School have a beautiful post about the Great Postcard Project on their Enviroblog. You can see it here:

Here's what they have to say:
"We had a great time making and writing our postcards. We used recycled card and bits and pieces to collage the covers and make them look colourful! We sent almost 300 postcards to lots of different schools. We couldn't believe how many we got back! They have pride of place in the entrance of our corridor, come and have a look! There is even a few made from ice cream lids!"

Thank you so much for sharing Boulcott School, your blog is lovely, and the postcards look stunning on display at your school.

Kei te tino pai ā koutou mahi!